The Hitchhikers Guide to
Parenteral Nutrition Management
for Adult Patients
eeding nutritionally compromised patients has
never been as easy, or as hard, as it is today. We
are able to provide nutrients parenterally and
enterally to patients who once would have been con-
sidered “unfeedable.” Today’s inpatient population is
sicker than patients in the past; the same may be said
for patients needing specialized nutrition support. This
results in challenges to clinicians caring for these
patients. Our goal in writing this article is to provide a
succinct and easy to follow guide for practicing clini-
cians ordering parenteral nutrition.
The guiding principle of nutrition support is to use the
least invasive and most physiologic method of feeding.
Infusing chemicals directly into the bloodstream is the
least preferred method of providing nutrition support
(1). Yet, for a select subset of the population, intra-
venous infusion of central parenteral nutrition (PN) or
peripheral parenteral nutrition (PPN) is the only viable
means to provide substrates for metabolism. PN carries
with it inherent risks associated with the placement of a
central venous catheter. Due to the increased risk of
complications with PN therapy, including thrombosis
and infection, a careful assessment of PN appropriate-
Howard Madsen, RD, Pharm.D., Nutrition Support
Pharmacy Practice Resident and Eric H. Frankel,
MSE, Pharm.D., BCNSP, Nutrition Support Coordina-
tor, Covenant Health System, Lubbock, Texas.
Carol Rees Parrish, R.D., M.S., Series Editor
While parenteral nutrition is a life-saving modality for people with intestinal failure, it
is not without significant risk. In the hospital setting, under certain clinical circum-
stances, patients will also benefit from the use of parenteral nutrition. The purpose of
this article is to aid the clinician in the safe provision of parenteral nutrition support,
including development of the prescription, appropriate monitoring, and awareness of
the issues involved in the preparation and stability of commonly used additives.
Frequently asked questions and challenges that arise with the use of parenteral nutri-
tion are also addressed.
Howard Madsen Eric H. Frankel
ness should precede placement of a central venous
catheter (1,2). Table 1 lists indications and contraindi-
cations for PN.
Prior to initiating PN, a nutrition assessment is neces-
sary to determine nutrient needs and to anticipate any
metabolic changes that may occur due to the patient’s
underlying condition, medications or concurrent thera-
pies, etc. Table 2 provides a list of factors to consider
when assessing a patient’s nutritional status. Deter-
mining energy and protein needs in the severely mal-
nourished patient under physical stress, often ventila-
tor-dependent with little mobility, can be difficult.
Critical illness brings further challenges in determin-
ing the appropriate calorie level, as matching caloric
expenditure to caloric provision may be detrimental—
providing lower calorie levels initially has been advo-
cated (3,4). Calorie requirements often increase in
relation to stress, fever, and seizures, while a decrease
in needs may be seen in the setting of sedation or
reduced mobility. While indirect calorimetry is consid-
ered the “gold standard” to determine caloric expendi-
ture, formulas and calculations are frequently used.
Unfortunately, no studies to date have demonstrated
The Hitchhiker’s Guide to Parenteral Nutrition Management
Table 1
Indications, Relative Indications and Contraindications
for Parenteral Nutrition
Parenteral nutrition is usually indicated in the
following situations
Documented inability to absorb adequate nutrients via the
GI tract such as:
Massive small-bowel resection/short bowel syndrome
(at least initially)
– Radiation enteritis
– Severe diarrhea
Untreatable steatorrhea/malabsorption (i.e., not pancre-
atic insufficiency, small bowel bacterial overgrowth, or
celiac disease)
Complete bowel obstruction, or intestinal pseudo-obstruction
Severe catabolism with or without malnutrition when GI tract
is not usable within 5–7 days
Inability to obtain enteral access
Inability to provide sufficient nutrients/fluids enterally
Pancreatitis accompanied by abdominal pain with jejunal
delivery of nutrients
Persistent GI hemorrhage
• Acute abdomen/ileus
Lengthy GI work-up requiring NPO status for several days in
a malnourished patient
High output enterocutaneous fistula (>500 mL) and inability
to gain enteral access distal to the fistula site
Trauma requiring repeat surgical procedures
Parenteral nutrition
be indicated in the following situations
• Enterocutaneous fistula
Inflammatory bowel disease not responding to medical therapy
Hyperemesis gravidarum when nausea and vomiting persist
longer than 5–7 days and enteral nutrition is not possible
Partial small bowel obstruction
Intensive chemotherapy/severe mucositis
Major surgery/stress when enteral nutrition not expected to
resume within 7–10 days
Intractable vomiting when jejunal feeding is not possible
Chylous ascites or chylothorax when low fat/fat free EN does
not adequately decrease output
Contraindications for Parenteral Nutrition
Functioning gastrointestinal tract
Treatment anticipated for less than 5 days in patients without
severe malnutrition
Inability to obtain venous access
A prognosis that does not warrant aggressive nutrition support
When the risks of PN are judged to exceed the potential
Used with permission from the University of Virginia Health System
Nutrition Support Traineeship Syllabus (Parrish CR, Krenitsky J,
McCray S). Parenteral Module. University of Virginia Health System
Nutrition Support Traineeship Syllabus, 2003.
Table 2
Important Factors to Consider when Assessing a Patient
for Parenteral Nutrition
Anthropometric Data – include:
Recent weight changes
Current height and weight
Lab values – including:
Comprehensive metabolic panel
Serum magnesium level
Serum phosphorus level
Serum triglycerides as indicated (Table 18)
• Medical/Surgical History
– Anatomy (resections)/ostomies
Pre-existing conditions such as diabetes, renal failure,
liver disease, etc.
Diet/Medication History – include:
– Food/drug allergies
Diet intake prior to admission
– Special diets
– Herbal/supplement use
Home and current medications
The Hitchhiker’s Guide to Parenteral Nutrition Management
benefit by comparing the use of metabolic cart results
with various formulas in terms of clinical outcomes.
Regardless of which calculation is used to estimate
nutrient requirements, it is important to note that there is
a lack of evidence correlating a given calorie and pro-
tein level to clinical outcomes, and the controversy over
which formula is “best” is ongoing. Guidelines for
designing PN formulations have been developed by var-
ious organizations and experts in the field of specialized
nutrition support, some of which are listed on Table 3.
Line type, nutrition formulation and other medication
needs are inter-related and need to be approached in a
unified manner. Table 4 describes the advantages and
disadvantages of intravenous access typically used for
parenteral nutrition support. Nutritional limitations
associated with those lines are also provided. Further
details on these topics have been included in the follow-
ing paragraphs.
Peripheral access is sometimes used for patients who
need short-term (<2 weeks) nutrition support. Because
of the high volume of fluid needed, patients requiring
fluid restriction are not candidates for this type of ther-
apy. In order to meet a patient’s nutritional needs using
PPN, infusion rates greater than 150 mL/hr may be
required; this limits the use of PPN to patients with nor-
mal renal, cardiac, hepatic, and pulmonary function.
Due to the risk of thrombophlebitis, these solutions are
generally limited to an osmolarity of <600–900
mOsm/L (12,14). See Table 5 and Table 6 for calcula-
tion of mOsm in parenteral solutions. Even at 600–900
mOsm, these solutions are hypertonic, hence any
patient with poor peripheral access should not receive
PPN. Instead, alternatives should be considered, based
on the individual patient’s circumstances. These
include the use of Central PN or provision of peripheral
protein-sparing IV fluids containing 5% dextrose. The
anticipated duration of parenteral support and how
soon the patient may be transitioned to enteral nutrition
will factor into this decision. Patients with rapid or fre-
quent loss of peripheral access with IV fluids (D
, etc.)
are poor candidates for PPN. As a rule of thumb, if the
patient’s peripheral access has been changed 2–3 times
within the first 48 hours following admission on stan-
dard IV fluids, PPN should not be attempted. Combi-
nations of heparin and hydrocortisone added to the PPN
formulation, with or without the use of a nitroglycerin
patch placed proximal, and as close as possible to the
catheter site, have been used to extend the viability of
peripheral catheters (16–18) (Table 7).
Peripheral lines should be changed every 48–72
hours to minimize the risk of infection and throm-
bophlebitis (13). PPN avoids the inherent risks associ-
ated with central venous access, but is not suitable
unless the patient meets the criteria in Table 8. Patients
not meeting these criteria and needing intravenous
(continued on page 51)
Table 3
Daily Energy and Substrate Guidelines for Adult PN (5–8)
Nutrient Acute Care Critical Care
Energy 25–30 total kcals/kg/d 25 total kcals/kg/d
Refeeding 15–25 kcal/kg/d 15–25 kcal/kg/d
• Obesity (130% IBW) 15–20 kcal/kg/d adjusted weight * 15–20 kcal/kg/d adjusted weight *
Protein 0.8–1.0 g/kg/d maintenance 1.5–2.2 g/kg/d
1.2–2.0 g/kg/d catabolism
Dextrose <7 g/kg/d <5 g/kg/d
Lipid** <2.5 g/kg/d 0.4–0.75 g/kg/d
*Adjusted weight based on a 50% correction factor ([usual weight – ideal body weight] × 0.50)
**If a patient is to be on PN for greater than 3 weeks, a minimum of 2%–4% of total calories should come from IV fat emulsion (IVFE)
including linoleic acid to prevent essential fatty acid deficiency (EFAD) (9)
Table 4
Review of Access Devices Used for Nutritional Support (10–13)
Line Type Advantages Disadvantages
Peripheral Lines
Peripheral – Short Least expensive Loss of line is common. High levels of phlebitis
Easily placed and removed and vein damage with nutrition support
Lowest risk for catheter related infections Kcals usually limited due to volume restriction
Beneficial for patients needing short term Limited to one lumen
nutrition support (<1 week) Limits infusion osmolality to 600–900 mOsm/L and
Need to change frequently (48–72 hours) infusion pH between 5 and 9 (lower limit of mOsm
represents INS standards)
Peripheral – Midline May be used for a longer duration than peripheral Must maintain guidelines for peripheral lines when
catheters looking at concentration and pH
Ease of placement compared to central lines Not a central line
Allows access to larger vessel
Central Lines
Peripherally Inserted Able to infuse solutions >900 mOsm/L • Not as long term as other centrally placed catheters—
Central Catheters or • May be placed by trained RN length of stay ~ a year
(PICC) lines Decreased rate of infection when compared to other More difficult self care if located in anticubital
central lines in home care patients position (should not be painful)
Able to place lines with multiple lumens Blood sampling not always possible
Many PICC lines can be used for CT contrast injection More frequent flushing and maintenance required
More pain is associated
, and Able to give solutions >900 mOsm/L Surgical procedure, more difficult to place involving
Provide full nutritional support via IV route increased cost and monitoring as well as risk to
Able to place lines with multiple lumens patient. Adds additional time and complexity in
Able to remain in place for extended time periods placement
(1–3 years usual) Removal also more involved than PICC removal,
due to tunnel
Catheter protruding from chest may affect some
people’s self image
Catheters Able to give solutions >900 mOsm/L Surgical procedure, more difficult to place involving
Provide full nutritional support via IV route increased cost and monitoring and risk to patient
Able to place lines with multiple lumens. Adds additional time and complexity in placement
Able to remain in place for extended time periods Removal also more involved than PICC removal,
May be “locked” with normal saline due to tunnel
Catheter protruding from chest may affect some
people’s self image
Femoral Lines Gives IV access to patients with no other option Increased infection risk
Multiple Lumen acute Economical, can be removed by trained RN Increased infection rate compared to single lumen
care catheters May be placed at bedside or in radiology by a and tunneled catheters. Usually not repairable
physician if damaged
Should not be used in home care, for acute care only
Short dwell time, 1–2 weeks
Port Long term use with lowest infection risk of all Placement and removal are surgical procedures
options (dwell time may be years) performed in the operating room or interventional
Site care only when accessed suite
Body image intact Requires “stick” to access port with Huber needle.
Ideal for intermittent access If needle is in place, risk of infection increases
The Hitchhiker’s Guide to Parenteral Nutrition Management
(continued from page 48)
nutrition are candidates for central PN.
Several conveniently packaged, “fixed concentra-
tion” PPN products are available commercially and are
suitable for peripheral administration. These formula-
tions contain dextrose ranging from final concentra-
tions of 5%–10% or 3% glycerol in addition to amino
acids in final concentrations of 3% to 4.25%. Some of
these products are available with or without a standard
amount of electrolytes. PPN formulations can also be
compounded on an individual basis (customized)
allowing the flexibility to add intravenous fat emul-
sions (IVFE) or manipulate electrolytes. IVFE are not
included in commercial premixed formulations, but
10% or 20% concentrations of IVFE may be given as
a piggyback. All IVFE are isotonic and lower the over-
all osmolarity of the infusate. Some clinicians will pro-
vide up to 60% of the total caloric requirements as
lipid, while others limit the lipid to less than 1
gm/kg/day due to the possibility of altered immune
function associated with infusion of long chain triglyc-
erides (19). Patients on IVFE should be monitored for
Fat Overload Syndrome; a syndrome characterized by
hypertriglyceridemia, fever, clotting disorders, hepato-
splenomegaly, and variable end organ dysfunction.
This syndrome has been reported in the setting of
excessive IVFE administration to children and criti-
cally ill adult patients (20,21). This is particularly
important in the critical care setting where the seda-
tive, propofol (Diprivan
and two generic versions), a
medication in a 10% IVFE base, is frequently used.
Central venous catheters provide temporary or long-
term access to large diameter veins with blood flows in
the range of 2–6 L/min. This rapid blood flow allows
infusion of formulations with osmolarities in excess of
900 mOsm/L (central solutions range from ~1500–
2800 mOsm/L). Central venous access devices include
The Hitchhiker’s Guide to Parenteral Nutrition Management
Table 5
One Method to Calculate Osmolarity of IV Admixtures
1. First, multiply the gm, mEq or mL by the mOsm/unit listed
in Table 6
2. Add all the multiplied values to determine the total mOsm
for the mixture
3. Add each volume in the formulation to give a total in liters
4. Divide the total mOsm by the total volume in liters to deter-
mine the mOsm/L of the formulation
Table 6
Milliosmoles of Selected Additives (15)
Additive mOsm/Unit
Sterile Water 0.00
Dextrose Options (3.4 cal/g)
Dextrose 5, 10, 30, 50, 70% ~5 mOsm/g
Amino Acid Options (4 cal/g)
Amino Acid 8.5, 10, 15% ~10 mOsm/g
Intravenous Fat Emulsion (IVFE) Options
10% (1.1 cal/mL)
20% (2.0 cal/mL) ~0.280 mOsm/mL
30% (3.0 cal/mL)
Calcium Gluconate 0.662 mOsm/mEq
Magnesium Sulfate 1 mOsm/mEq
Multi-trace Elements (MTE-5) 0.36 mOsm/ml
MVI infusion Concentrate (MVI-12)41.1 mOsm/dose
Potassium Acetate 2 mOsm/mEq
Potassium Chloride 2 mOsm/mEq
Potassium Phosphate 2.47 mOsm/mM
Sodium Acetate 2 mOsm/mEq
Sodium Chloride 2 mOsm/mEq
Sodium Phosphate 4.0 mOsm/mM
Table 7
Peripheral Parenteral Nutrition “Vein Protector” (16)
Hydrocortisone, 15 mg
Heparin, 1500 units
Plus: transdermal nitroglycerin (NTG) patch, 0.1 mg/hour
Table 8
Criteria for use of Peripheral Parenteral Nutrition
Nutritional needs <1800 kcals per day
Patient requires less than 10 to 14 days of intravenous
Peripheral venous access is available (good peripheral veins)
Requires only one intravenous line with intravenous fat
emulsion (IVFE) administration via piggyback infusion
Fluid restriction is not an issue
The Hitchhiker’s Guide to Parenteral Nutrition Management
, Hickman
, Hohn
, multiple lumen
catheters, peripherally inserted central catheter (PICC)
lines, and implanted intravenous port devices. Many
central catheters provide multiple lumens; if multiple
lumens exist, a single lumen should be designated for
PN use only (22). The distal lumen is usually the largest
diameter and can be reserved for blood transfusions and
blood sampling. Central catheters are the route of choice
for patients with fluid management issues, such as con-
gestive heart failure (CHF) or renal failure, patients with
poor peripheral venous access and those requiring PN
>10–14 days, assuming they meet criteria for PN use.
Carbohydrate is generally provided in amounts up to
60% of total kcals/day. In the hospitalized patient, ini-
tial dextrose in PN solutions should not exceed 7.2
g/kg/day (5 mg/kg/minute) to minimize the occurrence
of fatty liver and hyperglycemia (23). However, in sta-
ble, hospitalized or home patients receiving cycled PN,
the glucose infusion rate may exceed 5 mg/kg/minute
when the patient might require additional calories for
weight maintenance or gain.
Protein (amino acids) is typically supplied in the range
of 1.5 g protein/kg/day depending on the amount of
stress and catabolism present. Critical care, post-surgi-
cal, burn, dialysis and many other types of hospitalized
patients often require protein administration in the range
of 1.2–2 g/kg/day. In severe catabolic states, protein
needs may be as high as 2–2.5 g/kg/day (24). Acute
renal failure often demands high protein supplementa-
tion, from 1.5–1.6 g/kg/day due to protein losses
through the glomeruli, dialysis or catabolism (25).
Alternatively, in times of renal insufficiency or failure
when a patient is not yet dialyzed and has rising blood
urea nitrogen concentrations, a decrease in protein to 0.8
(continued on page 56)
Table 9
Commercially Available Crystalline Amino Acid Solutions
Brand Name Type/Indication Stock Concentrations
Aminosyn II™ Standard 3.5%, 4.25%, 5%, 7%, 8.5%, 10%
Travasol™ Standard 3.5%, 4.25%, 5.5%, 8.5%, 10%
Aminosyn II™ Standard/fluid restriction 15%
Clinisol™ Standard/fluid restriction 15%
Novamine™ Standard/fluid restriction 15%
Prosol™ Standard/fluid restrictions 20%
Hepatamine™ Hepatic failure 8%
Hepatasol™ Hepatic failure 8%
Aminosyn HBC™ Metabolic stress 7%
Freamine HBC™ Metabolic stress 6.9%
Branchamin™ (Contains only leucine, isoleucine and valine Metabolic stress 4%
use to supplement standard amino acid base)
Amino PF™ Pediatric 7%, 10%
Trophamine™ Pediatric 6%, 10%
Aminess™ (Essential amino acids plus histidine) Renal 5.2%
Aminosyn RF™ (Essential amino acids plus arginine) Renal 5.2%
Nephramine™ (Essential amino acids plus histidine) Renal 5.4%
Renamin™ (Essential and some non-essential amino acids) Renal 6.5%
Adapted from Barber JR, Miller SJ, Sacks GS. Parenteral feeding formulations. In: Gottschlich MM, Ed.
The Science and Practice of Nutrition Support: A Case-Based Core
Dubuque, IA: Kendall/Hunt Publishing Co.;2001: 251–268 with permission from the American Society for Parenteral and Enteral Nutrition (A.S.P.E.N.).
A.S.P.E.N. does not endorse the use of this material in any form other than its entirety.
gm/kg may avoid uremic complications (26). However,
if total kcals are inadequate to support protein utilization
or glucose is poorly controlled, catabolism of endoge-
nous protein (lean body mass) will render this interven-
tion useless. Of note, dietary protein only comprises
25% of the nitrogen pool that is turned over each day.
Hence, a change in protein from 1.3 down to 1 g/kg/day
in a 75 kg patient represents a mere decrease of 22 g
protein/day. GI bleeding, hyperglycemia and the obliga-
tory catabolism of trauma/sepsis would generate appre-
ciably more urea than this “additional” 22 grams of pro-
tein/day. In the past, restricting protein in patients with
liver failure was the standard practice; however, it is
now accepted that this may worsen the underlying liver
disease, and does not aid hepatic encephalopathic
episodes. For very nice reviews of protein
in liver and renal disease, see references 27
and 28. Table 9 describes the commonly
available amino acid products and their
To Count, or Not to Count Protein
as Calories?
Total calories are used to characterize oral
diets and tube feeding products. Charac-
terizing the PN prescription as protein and
non-protein calories does not make physi-
ological sense (29,30). The use of non-
protein calories for calculations presumes
that one can direct protein utilization.
Consider: When you provide amino acids to a catabolic
patient, oxidation rates may equal or exceed amino acid
infusion rates. There are multiple pathways taken by
amino acids; utilization of substrate at the cellular level
is not limited to a single pathway. Mixed fuel utilization
will always take place, although the relative amounts of
each substrate may change.
Intravenous fat emulsions (IVFE), (formerly called
lipid emulsions), are generally used to provide
20%–30% of daily kcals unless conditions exist which
prohibit or complicate lipid administration of this
amount, i.e. hypertriglyceridemia or propofol infu-
sions. Note that the vehicle for propofol is 10% IVFE
and it provides essential fatty
acids, calories (1.1 cal/mL
infused) and vitamin K (31).
See Table 10 for commercial
lipid emulsions available in
the U.S and their vitamin K
content. The content of vita-
min K varies depending on
the manufacturer and con-
centration, with safflower oil
containing less vitamin K
than soybean oil. Vitamin K
typically increases propor-
tionally with increasing lipid
concentrations (example,
viatmin K content doubles
The Hitchhiker’s Guide to Parenteral Nutrition Management
(continued from page 53)
Table 10
Energy and Vitamin K Content of Commonly Used IVFE (32–35)
Soybean Oil Safflower Oil Vitamin K
Lipid Emulsion Kcals/mL* g/L g/L mcg/dL
Intralipid 10% 1.1 100 0 30.8
Intralipid 20% 2 200 0 67.5
Intralipid 30% 3 300 0 93
Liposyn II 10% 1.1 50 50 13.2
Liposyn II 20% 2 100 100 26
Liposyn III 10% 1.1 100 0 31
Liposyn III 20% 2 200 0 62
Liposyn III 30% 2.9 300 0 93
*Kcals/mL differ according to lipid and glycerol content of IVFE
Table 11
Normal Serum Electrolyte Values and Parenteral and Enteral Ranges (36–38)
Normal Serum Parenteral Adult Enteral
Electrolyte Range* Intake Range Requirements
Sodium 135–145 mM/L 0–200 mEq/L 100–150 mEq/day
Chloride As needed to maintain acid-base balance
Potassium 3.5–5.1 mM/L 0–240 mEq/day 60–120 mEq/day
Acetate** As needed to maintain acid-base balance
Phosphate 2.3–4.7 mg/dl 0–60 mM/day 15–30 mM/day
Magnesium 1.7–2.5 mEq/L 0–48 mEq/day 8–24 mEq/day
Calcium 9.2–11.0 mg/dl
(ionized calcium
0.8–1.2 mEq/L) 0–25 mEq/day 9–22 mEq/day
*Note: Normal lab values vary between institutions and the populations they serve.
**Acetate is converted to bicarbonate in the liver.
with an increase from 10% to 20%) (32–34).
Electrolytes in PN formulations are added according to
anticipated patient requirements, metabolic response to
medications, and recommended daily intakes. Table 11
provides typical ranges for parenteral electrolyte content.
Excessive electrolyte losses from wounds, GI suction,
surgical drains, fever (sweat loss), emesis, and diarrhea
need to be replaced in the PN formulation or other IV
solutions. Table 12 provides the approximate electrolyte
composition and volume of many body fluids.
Vitamins and trace elements are usually added as
commercially prepared multivitamin and trace metal
“cocktails,” which may meet daily requirements and
prevent toxicity. Table 13 reviews the current recom-
mendations for parenteral multivitamin injections by
the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) (39).
The short term (<1 week) PN patient rarely needs
supplementation of Vitamin K, while the long-term
patient requiring PN for weeks to months will likely
require 2–4 mg/week of parenteral vitamin K (40,41).
The newest commercial vitamin products, Infuvite
(Baxter Healthcare Inc, Deerfield, IL), and MVI-Adult
(Mayne Pharma (USA), Paramus, NJ) were formulated
to meet the latest FDA standards and
include Vitamin K. Mayne Pharma
manufactures a product that does not
contain vitamin K (MVI-Adult without
vitamin K
), but use of this product is
not necessary, as even patients on
coumadin need some vitamin K. It is
important to remember, however, that
wide fluctuations in vitamin K intake
have significant impact on the effects of
coumadin, and thus, intake should
remain consistent when patients are
placed on this anticoagulant (42). As
previously discussed, IVFEs also con-
tain vitamin K and may contribute sig-
nificant amounts depending on the oil
used, rate of infusion and concentration
of lipid (Table 10).
General trace element dosing
guidelines are listed in Table 14. There
is some concern that the recommended
manganese dose may be excessive for long-term PN
patients. Periodic monitoring is recommended to
ensure whole blood manganese levels remain within
safe limits for patients receiving PN (44). When con-
sidering the dosing of multivitamins and trace ele-
ments, adjustments may need to be made in certain set-
The Hitchhiker’s Guide to Parenteral Nutrition Management
Table 12
Approximate Electrolyte Composition of Various Body Fluids (36)
Electrolytes (mEq/L)
Source Volume (mL/d) Na K HCO
Saliva 500–2000 2–10 20–30 30 8–18
Gastric 2000–2500
pH<4 60 10 90
pH>4 100 10 100
Pancreatic 1000 140 5 90 75
Bile 1500 140 5 35 100
Small Bowel 3500 100 15 25 100
Colonic 60 30 75
Diarrhea 1000–4000 60 30 45 45
Urine 1500 40 0 20
Sweat 1500 50 5 55
Reprinted from Matarese LE. Metabolic complications of parenteral nutrition therapy. In: Gottschlich MM, Ed.
The Science and Practice of Nutrition Support:
A Case-Based Core Curriculum.
2001;269-286, with permission from the American Society for Parenteral
and Enteral Nutrition (A.S.P.E.N.). A.S.P.E.N. does not endorse the use of this material in any form other
than its entirety.
Table 13
Recommended Daily Intake of Intravenous Vitamins (39)
Vitamin Recommended amounts/day
Thiamin (B1) 6 mg
Riboflavin (B2) 3.6 mg
Pyridoxine (B6) 6 mg
Cyanocobalamin (B12) 5 mcg
Niacin 40 mg
Folic Acid 600 mcg
Pantothenic acid 15 mg
Biotin 60 mcg
Ascorbic acid (C) 200 mg
Vitamin A 3300 IU
Vitamin D 5 mg
Vitamin E 10 IU
Vitamin K 150 mcg
*National Advisory Group on Standards and Practice Guidelines for PN (ASPEN)
tings. For example, in the presence of cholestatic liver
disease, reductions in manganese and copper are often
necessary (45,47).
A variety of medications may be added to PN solu-
tions, however, only insulin and H
-antagonists will be
considered here. A recent review is available else-
where (48).
Hyperglycemia is the most common complication of PN.
Regular human insulin is commonly added to PN to aid
in blood glucose control. For a patient previously requir-
ing insulin, addition of 1 unit of regular insulin per 10 g
dextrose to the PN admixture is a safe, conservative
starting point. If fasting blood glucose concentrations
prior to PN initiation are running consistently >200
mg/dL, then a greater ratio of insulin to carbohydrate
may be appropriate (e.g., 1.5–2 units per 10 g dextrose).
Sliding scale coverage with regular or one of the more
rapid acting insulin analogs such as insulin lispro
) or insulin aspart (Novolog
) should be
added to the medication regimen of the PN patient to
provide additional coverage where needed. However,
these insulin analogs are not compatible with PN formu-
lations and thus only regular human insulin can be added
into the PN admixture. The monitoring interval for blood
glucose should be based on the duration of action of the
insulin product. Elevated blood glucose levels can gen-
erally be controlled within a few days of PN by adding
70%–100% of the sliding scale insulin given during the
time of the previous PN formulation. When following
this method, success of the sliding scale ultimately
depends upon changes in patient condition, medications,
and initiation of an oral diet or enteral nutrition.
Patients need to be closely monitored for blood
glucose variations after insulin has been adjusted in a
PN formulation. Some clinicians limit the dose of reg-
ular human insulin in PN to less than 2 units per 10 g
dextrose; however, changing attitudes regarding
glycemic control have prompted modification of this
position depending on the monitoring capability of the
facility. Due to improved patient outcomes associated
with better glycemic control in the intensive care unit,
it is common practice in our institution to target blood
glucose concentrations between 80–130 mg/dL for
most patients (49). The use of an insulin drip or tighter
sliding scale insulin regimen may be more appropriate
in some environments to reduce the risk of hypo-
glycemia, as well as the frustration, personnel time and
costs needed to reformulate PN admixtures if blood
glucose drops too low. When using an insulin drip, the
amount of insulin to be added to the future PN bag can
be calculated as two-thirds of the total insulin infused
during the previous PN administration. This takes into
The Hitchhiker’s Guide to Parenteral Nutrition Management
(continued on page 61)
Table 14
Recommended Adult Daily Intake of Intravenous
Trace Minerals (43)
Trace element Amount
Chromium 10–15 mcg
Copper 0.3–0.5 mg
Manganese 60–100 mcg
Selenium 20-60 mcg
Zinc* 2.5–5.0 mg
*Note: Recommended zinc requirement per liter of ostomy or stool output lost:
12.2mg/L small bowel fluid
17.1mg/kg stool / ileostomy
Adapted from Mirtallo J, Canada T, Johnson D, Kumpf V, Petersen C, Sacks G,
Seres D, Guenter P; Task Force for the Revision of Safe Practices for Parenteral
Nutrition. Safe practices for parenteral nutrition. J Parenter Enteral Nutr, 2004;
28:S39–S70 with permission from the American Society for Parenteral and
Enteral Nutrition (A.S.P.E.N.). A.S.P.E.N. does not endorse the use of this
material in any form other than its entirety.
Table 15
Common Medications which may Effect
Blood Glucose Levels (51,52)
Hyperglycemia Hypoglycemia
Corticosteroids Flouroquinolones
Diuretics In particular: Gatifloxacin
Adrenergic agents Insulin
Cyclosporin Alcohol
Tacrolimus Sulfonylureas
Sandostatin Methandrostenolone
Phenytoin Clofibrate
Phenobarbital Cypionate
Lithium B-blockers
Calcitonin Monoamine Oxidase Inhibitors (MAOI)
account the improved bioavailability of insulin when
added to the PN.
Adjusting dextrose concentration in intravenous
nutrition and monitoring for medication effects can
further aid the practicing clinician in blood glucose
control. Lowering dextrose concentrations is one way
to improve glycemic control where needed. IVFE may
be used to provide a greater percentage of the caloric
intake. In the refractory hyperglycemic patient, some-
times PN just needs to be discontinued until eug-
lycemia is achieved (50). Anticipating drug effects on
blood glucose levels helps maintain control. Table 15
lists some medications, which are known to affect
blood glucose levels. Illness, stress, and activity of the
patient may also play a role and must be considered
when adjusting glucose management. Table 16 pro-
vides additional suggestions to aid in blood glucose
antagonists are often added to the PN admixture in
patients requiring gastrointestinal stress ulcer prophy-
laxis. Famotidine is a common additive and has been
shown to be stable in 3-in-1 admixtures of various
compositions for at least 72 hours (53). The adult rec-
ommended dose of famotidine is 20 mg dosed every
12 hours, which can be added to PN as 40 mg per 24-
hour bag. Famotidine is renally excreted, therefore, a
50% dose reduction is recommended when a patient’s
creatinine clearance is <50 mg/min. Ranitidine may
also be added to PN formulations. It is stable in 3-in-1
solutions for 24 hours, however more than 10% of the
drug may be lost at 48 hours (54). The adult recom-
mended dose is 200–300 mg daily, generally not to
exceed 400 mg per day. Doses should be reduced to 50
mg daily if the creatinine clearance is <50 mg/min
(55). Patients receiving an intravenous or oral proton
pump inhibitor usually do not need a H
Iron supplementation may be needed for chronic home
PN patients. Although body stores should last for up to
6 months, deficiencies have been reported after 2
months on PN without supplementation (56). Iron dex-
tran has been used in 2-in-1 PN formulations in doses
of 10–75 mg/day with no apparent side effects (57,58).
However, the addition of iron to 3-in-1 PN admixtures
has not been well studied and reports of incompatibil-
ities exist (58). Anaphylaxis and destabilization of
lipid formulations are both problems associated with
this form of iron, and many clinicians prefer to sup-
plement iron separately from PN solutions. Some of
the newer iron products such as Ferrlecit
(Na ferric
gluconate complex) by Schein and Venofer
sucrose or iron saccharate complex) by American
Regent may be considered for use separate from PN.
Due to the complexity of PN formulations and the
small market share of the PN population, compatibility
studies of these new iron compounds in PN are
unlikely to ever be performed by the manufacturers.
How Should PN Be Initiated?
Although PN infusion rates are often gradually
advanced, there is no real reason to do this. Patients
with diabetes, at a high risk for refeeding, or patients
starting PN at home might benefit from this approach;
however, in the acute care setting, this is not necessary.
Hospitalized patients requiring PN can be started at the
goal rate for the volume to be provided; assuming
measures have been taken to minimize metabolic
response (i.e., patient not overfed).
Hyperglycemia puts the patient at risk for infec-
tion and thwarts utilization of nutrients that the par-
enteral formulation provides. Overfeeding should be
The Hitchhiker’s Guide to Parenteral Nutrition Management
(continued from page 58)
Suggested Strategies for Improving Glucose Control
Do not overfeed the patient
Limit dextrose in TPN to 150 g/day initially
Review other sources of IV dextrose (including CVVHD,
peritoneal dialysis, antibiotic drips, etc.—PN may need to
be adjusted accordingly).
Increase units of insulin given at each step for sliding scale
Increase frequency of glucose checks if necessary (every
4–6 hours)
Add insulin drip
Stop TPN for 24 hours and get glucose under control
avoided with any form of nutrition support; dextrose is
usually the macronutrient of most concern with PN;
therefore, if calorie requirements are the reason for a
slow escalation, then the dextrose can be provided at a
fractional amount of the goal and increased as the
patient tolerates. If the PN carbohydrate content has
been limited in anticipation of refeeding, or for the
presence of hyperglycemia, there is no need to also
limit the PN rate or “titrate the rate up” as this would
be “doubly cautious” and unnecessary. Daily reformu-
lations as necessary are based on current lab values
and the response to any changes made previously.
When Should PN Be Discontinued?
PN should be discontinued with transition to PO or
enteral nutrition as soon as feasible. Many patients
may benefit from a trophic enteral feeding while on
PN. Once enteral feedings or PO intake has advanced
to >50% of estimated kcals, and the patient is tolerat-
ing this well, the PN formula can be weaned or dis-
continued. PN can be restarted in 2–3 days if the
patient does not continue to tolerate enteral or PO
nutrition or if intake is less than 50% of estimated
requirements. Attention to glycemic control post-PN is
crucial in those patients who have not previously been
diagnosed as having diabetes mellitus, yet required
insulin with the PN and became hyperglycemic again
once PN stopped. PN therapy may act as a very expen-
sive surrogate glucose tolerance test.
How Should PN Be Tapered?
There is a general belief that PN formulations require
tapering. Rebound hypoglycemia is rarely seen but is
often discussed in the clinical setting (59–61). The risk
is very low, even in patients with diabetes mellitus, as
they are somewhat “protected” by inherent insulin defi-
ciency. Stopping PN with insulin is the same as stop-
ping an independent insulin drip; remember, the half-
life of regular insulin is only 5 minutes (although,
somewhat longer if the patient is in renal failure). A
taper down of PN is not needed, especially if the patient
is receiving another dependable source of carbohy-
drate. If a particular patient is prone to hypoglycemia,
tapering PN over 1–2 hours before discontinuation is
justified and can avoid this problem.
When Should I Be on the Lookout
for Refeeding?
Many hospitalized patients are malnourished due to
the nature of their disease and/or treatment effects.
When initiating nutrition support, it is important to
monitor these patients closely to avoid refeeding.
Refeeding syndrome is characterized by an abrupt
decrease in serum potassium, magnesium and/or phos-
phorus. This results from pancreatic stimulation and
insulin secretion (the driving force behind refeeding)
after the introduction of a consistent nutrient source,
primarily carbohydrate. The clinical presentation of
refeeding syndrome can also include sodium and fluid
retention causing edema, which may result in stress to
the cardiac and respiratory systems. In these patients,
PN should be started at partial, or “refeeding” calories,
especially carbohydrate, with an appropriate supple-
mentation of electrolytes and vitamins as appropriate.
Once the patient is stable, PN can then be advanced to
target as tolerated. A thorough discussion of this topic
is available elsewhere (62).
What Happens If the Patient is Overfed?
While it is natural to want to provide “hyperalimenta-
tion” via the parenteral route for malnourished and
catabolic patients, overfeeding, especially in cases of
previously undernourished patients can cause more
harm than good (see refeeding above). Critically ill
and post-surgical patients often have an “obligatory
hypercatabolism” not correctible by feeding (63).
Overfeeding these patients may increase stress on vital
organs including the heart, liver, and kidneys (64,65).
All PN patients should be monitored closely and
calories rarely need to exceed 30–35 kcal/kg. Indirect
calorimetry may be helpful in some patients to
help determine calorie needs and avoid under, or over-
feeding (66).
Which is Best? 3-in-1 Versus 2-in-1
Many institutions have switched from the traditional 2-
in-1 PN admixtures to a 3-in-1 admixture combining
IVFE into the amino acid/dextrose mix rather than
hanging the IVFE separately. Both systems are avail-
able to the practicing clinician and each has advan-
tages as well as disadvantages. These are reviewed in
The Hitchhiker’s Guide to Parenteral Nutrition Management
(continued on page 64)
Table 17.
Intravenous Fat Emulsion Hang Time
The CDC has recommended that due to the potential
for bacterial contamination, 3-in-1 solutions should
not hang for longer than 24 hours. If lipid is hung sep-
arately from the PN formulation such as in 2-in-1 solu-
tions, each container of IVFE should not hang longer
than 12 hours.
Series Editors Note:
The Centers for Disease Control and
Prevention issued recommendations in 1982, that “infusions of
lipid emulsions should be completed within 12 hours of start-
ing” (1). This was based on reports of microbial growth in con-
tainers of lipid emulsion that were deliberately-contami-
nated with microorganisms (2). In 1996 the CDC modified
their recommendations to allow lipids in 3-in-1 PN to hang for
24 hours, but restated the recommendation for IV lipid emul-
sions alone to be completed within 12 hours (3). The only
adult study that has compared the 24 hour infusion of IV lipid
emulsions with 3-in-1 PN did not show a significant difference
in infectious complications between groups (4).
In short, the CDC recommendations are based on in-
vitro studies after containers were purposefully contami-
nated. There is absolutely no outcome information in adult
patients that a 24-hr hang-time increases infections. If a 12-
hr hang-time policy means that a nurse manipulates the line
more often, a 12-hr hang-time policy may actually increase
patient infections. The hang-time concern (myth) may be
real for pediatric patients where daily lipid is dispensed
from a large volume container and there is greater potential
for contamination, but the best data we have points to no
more infections with 24-hr hang time than there is with 3-in-
1 in adults.
1. Anonymous. CDC Guideline for Prevention of Intra-
venous Therapy-related Infections. Infection Control,
1982; 3: 52-72.
2. Melly MA, Meng HC, Schaffer W. Microbial growth in
lipid emulsions used in parenteral nutrition. Arch Surg,
1975; 110: 314-318.
3. Pearson ML. Hospital Infection Control Practices Advi-
sory Committee: Guideline for prevention of intravascu-
lar device-related infections. Infection Control Hosp.
Epidemiology, 1996; 17: 438-473.
4. Vasilakis A, Apelgren KN. Answering the fat emulsion
contamination question: three in one admixture vs con-
ventional total parenteral nutrition in a clinical setting. J
Parenter Enteral Nutr, 1988;12(4):356-359.
What is the Best Way to Manage Serum
Electrolyte Abnormalities?
Experience may be the best instructor for adjusting
electrolytes in parenteral formulations. Adjustments
must take into account patient losses, organ function,
The Hitchhiker’s Guide to Parenteral Nutrition Management
(continued from page 62)
Table 17
Advantages and Disadvantages of the Total Nutrient
Admixture (3-in-1) System
All components aseptically compounded by the pharmacy
Preparation is more efficient for pharmacy personnel,
especially if automated
Less manipulation of the system during administration
Less risk of contamination during administration
Less nursing time needed for 1 bag/d and no piggyback to
Less supply and equipment expense for only 1 pump and
IV tubing
More convenient storage, fewer supplies, easier administration
in home care settings
Glucose and venous access tolerance may be better in
some situations
Possible applications in fluid-restricted patients
May be more cost-effective overall in certain settings
Larger particle size of admixed lipid emulsion precludes use
of 0.22-micron (bacteria-eliminating) filter, and requires
larger pore size filter of 1.2 micron
Admixed lipid emulsion less stable, more prone to separation
of lipid components
Admixtures are more sensitive to destabilization with certain
electrolyte concentrations or the addition of iron
Difficult to visualize precipitate or particulate material in
the opaque admixture
Certain medications are incompatible with lipid emulsion
portion of admixture
Catheter occlusion more common with daily lipid
Less attractive in pediatric settings due to pH and
compatibility considerations
Reprinted from Barber JR, Miller SJ, Sacks GS. Parenteral feeding
formulations. In: Gottschlich MM, Ed.
The Science and Practice of
Nutrition Support: A Case-Based Core Curriculum.
Dubuque, IA:
Kendall/Hunt Publishing Co.; 2001: 251–268 with permission from
the American Society for Parenteral and Enteral Nutrition (A.S.P.E.N.).
A.S.P.E.N. does not endorse the use of this material in any form
other than its entirety.
oral/enteral intake and the impact of medications.
Experience allows anticipation of trends and impact
on electrolyte manipulations. This is particularly
helpful when monitoring intervals are extended as
they are for home PN patients. Trends in serum elec-
trolyte levels are far more meaningful than looking
at a single value. Serum electrolyte levels fluctuate
under natural physiologic control and variance in
lab equipment. Minute adjustments in PN electrolytes
are rarely beneficial and often only warranted if the
patient has been on PN for a long enough time period
that response is well known. For a nice review/guide-
lines for electrolyte replacement, see references
How Often Should Labs Be Checked?
Daily labs are needed when initiating PN. This fre-
quent level of monitoring may be warranted for several
days to >2 weeks while electrolytes are being adjusted
and the impact of PN initiation and advancement takes
place. Guidelines for appropriate lab monitoring are
addressed in Table 18.
Long-term Complications
Long-term complications of PN can include fatty liver,
cholestasis, metabolic bone disease, and electrolyte/
vitamin/mineral depletion or toxicity (46). In the long-
term PN patient, it is important to be aware of, and
monitor for, these adverse effects. This topic is beyond
the scope of this article, however, a nice review of long-
term complications is readily available (47). See Table
19 for gastrointestinal complications of long term PN.
What Should You Do When the Labs
on Your PN Patient Look Like This?!!
Lab Result @ 4:00 A.M.
Sodium 125
Potassium 6.7
Chloride 101
BUN 12
Creatinine 0.7
Glucose 896
Triglycerides 684
Magnesium 3.5
The Hitchhiker’s Guide to Parenteral Nutrition Management
Table 18
Suggested Monitoring for Parenteral Nutrition (In-patient)
Parameter Baseline Initiation Critically Ill Stable Patients
CBC with differential Yes Weekly Weekly
PT, PTT Yes Weekly Weekly
Basic chemistry—Na, K, Cl, CO
BUN, creatinine Yes Daily × 3 Daily 1–2 times per week
Magnesium, calcium, phosphorus Yes Day 1 As needed Weekly
Serum triglycerides Yes Day 1 As needed As needed
Serum glucose Yes Daily Daily 1–2 times per week
Capillary glucose Q 6 hrs × 48 hrs; As needed 3 x day until consistently As needed
stop if WNL <150 mg/dl*
Weight Yes Daily Daily 2–3 times per week
Intake and output Yes Daily Daily As needed
ALT, AST, ALP, total bilirubin Yes Day 1 Weekly Monthly
Nitrogen balance As needed As needed As needed
CBC = complete blood cell count; BUN = blood urea nitrogen; PT = prothrombin time; PTT = partial thromboplastin time; ALT = alanine aminotransferase;
AST = aspartate aminotransferase; ALP = alkaline phosphatase.
*More tightly controlled blood glucose levels of 80-130 may be sought (49).
Adapted from Mirtallo JM. Introduction to parenteral nutrition. In: Gottschlich MM, Ed.
The Science and Practice of Nutrition Support: A Case-Based Core Curriculum.
Dubuque, IA: Kendall/Hunt Publishing Co.;2001: 211–223, with permission from the American Society for Parenteral and Enteral Nutrition (A.S.P.E.N.). A.S.P.E.N.
does not endorse the use of this material in any form other than its entirety.
A. Order insulin (20 units SQ) and sodium poly-
styrene resin (Kayexalate
) 30 mL enema STAT
B. Call the endocrine fellow
C. Check fingerstick glucose at the bedside NOW for
quick verification of chemistry result before giving
Note: This patient’s fingerstick glucose at 1800
and 2400 during PN infusion were 141 and 103
The above situation demonstrates spurious lab results
after PN contamination of a blood sample drawn from
a central line without following proper flushing proce-
dure. The procedure includes turning off the PN, flush-
ing the line, discarding the initial aspirate, then draw-
ing up the sample amount needed for the lab and then
resuming the PN. If the PN admixture is not turned off
and/or if the flush is inadequate prior to the draw, the
lab results will reflect the extraordinarily high glucose,
potassium and triglyceride levels in the sample sec-
ondary to contamination with the PN solution. Other
electrolyte imbalances may also be seen. Although the
PN may be held upon reviewing these results, a quick
check of a bedside finger stick blood sugar and subse-
quent lab redraw is the most appropriate response.
PN is a valuable and necessary medical treatment for
many patients providing both nutritional sustenance
and life extension at a time when it is not possible to
sustain them any other way. By focusing on the essen-
tial elements of PN management, this form of nutrition
support can be applied successfully with minimal com-
plications, thus providing great benefit to those who at
one time would have been deemed “unfeedable.” See
Table 20 for summary guidelines.
The Hitchhiker’s Guide to Parenteral Nutrition Management
Table 19
Complications of Long Term PN (9,36)
Problem Possible Causes Symptoms Treatment/Prevention
Fatty Liver Exact etiology unknown. Theories include: Elevation of LFTs Avoid overfeeding
Overfeeding of dextrose &/or total calories; Do not exceed recommended
overfeeding of fat; EFAD; carnitine dosages of macronutrients
deficiency,choline deficiency (Table 3)
Enteral nutrition as soon as
possible (even if trophic)
Enteric antibiotics if blind loops/
bacterial overgrowth possible
Add Taurine to PN
Cholestasis Exact etiology unknown. Theories include: Elevated alkaline phosphatase; Avoid overfeeding
lack of nutrition in the bowel leading to progressive increase in Do not exceed recommended
decreased bile stimulation and impaired total bilirubin dosages of macronutrients
bile flow; overfeeding of glucose, lipid (Table 3)
and/or amino acids; toxic tryptophan Enteral nutrition as soon as
metabolites, choline deficiency possible
Enteric antibiotics if blind loops/
bacterial overgrowth possible
Gastrointestinal Atrophy of villi in the GI tract due to lack Observed
in vitro
in vivo
only Enteral/oral nutrition concurrent
Atrophy of enteral nutrients symptom may be enteric or as soon as possible
bacteremia and sepsis
without clear source
Gottschlich MM, Ed. Nutrition Support Dietetics Core Curriculum. 2nd edition. American Society of Parenteral and Enteral Nutrition. Silver Spring, MD: 1993.
Special thanks to Gordon Sacks for his editorial
review and comments.
Gordon S. Sacks, Pharm.D., BCNSP, FCCP
Clinical Associate Professor
Schools of Medicine and Pharmacy
University of Wisconsin–Madison
1. Lipman TO. The chicken soup paradigm. J Parenter Enteral
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3. Perioperative total parenteral nutrition in surgical patients. The
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5. American College of Chest Physicians Consensus Statement.
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6. National Advisory Group on Standards and Practice Guidelines
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9. Von Allmen D, Fisher JF. Metabolic Complications. In: Fischer
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10. Krzywda EA, Andris DA, Edmiston CE, et al. Parenteral Access
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11. Jerome L, Cookson ST, McArthur MA, et al. Prospective evalu-
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12. Infusion Nurses Society. Infusion Nursing Standards of Practice.
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13. O’Grady NP, Alexander M, Dellinger EP, et al. Guidelines for the
prevention of intravascular catheter-related infections. MMWR,
14. Mirtallo JM. Introduction to Parenteral Nutrition. In: Gottschlich
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Based Core Curriculum. Dubuque, IA: Kendall/Hunt Publishing
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15. Adapted from information gathered from calculating osmolarity
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16. Tighe MJ, Wong C, Martin IG, et. al. Do heparin, hydrocortisone,
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et al. Hydrocortisone, heparin, and peripheral intravenous infu-
sion. Nutrition, 1994;10(3):211-213.
18. Khawaja HT, Williams JD, Weaver PC. Transdermal glyceryl
trinitrate to allow peripheral total parenteral nutrition: a double-
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19. Grimm H, Tibell A, Norrlind B, Blecher C, et al. Immunoregula-
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20. Haber LM, Hawkins EP, Seilheimer DK, et al. Fat overload syn-
drome. An autopsy study with evaluation of the coagulopathy.
Am J Clin Pathol, 1988; 90(2):223-227.
21. Dahlstrom KA, Goulet OJ, Roberts RL, et al. Lipid tolerance in
children receiving long-term parenteral nutrition: a biochemical
and immunologic study. J Pediatr, 1988;113(6): 985-990.
22. Mirtallo J, Canada T, Johnson D, et al. Safe practices for par-
enteral nutrition. J Parent Enteral Nutr, 2004;28(6):S39-S70.
23. Wolfe RR, O’Donnell TF Jr, Stone MD, et al. Investigation of
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enteral nutrition. Metabolism, 1980;29:892-900.
24. Frankenfield D. Energy and macrosubstrate requirements. In:
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27. Krenitsky J. Nutrition in Renal Failure: Myths and Management.
Pract Gastroenterol, 2004; 28(9):40.
The Hitchhiker’s Guide to Parenteral Nutrition Management
Table 20
Summary Guidelines
1. Determine if PN is truly indicated
2. Assess the patient (medical/surgical history, review
drug/medication profile, anthropometric data and lab
3. Determine need for long-term vs. short term <7–10 days
IV access
4. Determine estimated kcal, protein and lipid needs
• 20–30 kcal/kg
Protein 0.8–1.5 gm/kg
Higher levels may be needed in severe catabolic
Lipid to provide 30% of kcals
5. Determine initial electrolyte, vitamin and trace element
requirements; consider ongoing losses
6. Consider any additional additives to PN formulation
including insulin and H
7. Monitor for:
Risk of refeeding syndrome
• Glucose intolerance
If so initiate feeding at a low dextrose level and
advance cautiously as lab values are stable. If not
then attempt to advance to goal within the first
24-48 hours
8. Initiate trophic feedings or convert patient to PO or enteral
feeding when feasible
28. Krenitsky J. Nutritional Guidelines for Patients with Hepatic Fail-
ure. Pract Gastroenterol, 2003; 27(6):23.
29. Van Way CW. Total calories vs nonprotein calories. Nutr Clin
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30. Miles JM, Klein J. Should protein calories be included in caloric
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31. Devlin JW, Lau AK, Tanios MA. Propofol-associated hyper-
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32. MacLaren R, Wachsman BA, Swift DK, et al. Warfarin resis-
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33. Chambrier C, Leclercq M, Saudin F, et al. Is vitamin K1 supple-
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34. Lennon C, Davidson KW, Sadowski JA, et al. The vitamin K con-
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35. Duerksen DR, Papineau N. Prevalence of coagulation abnormal-
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36. Matarese LE. Metabolic Complications of Parenteral Nutrition
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38. Grant JP. Handbook of Total Parenteral Nutrition. 2nd ed. WB
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39. Parenteral multivitamin products; drugs for human use; drug effi-
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41. Helphingstine CJ, Bistrian BR. New food and drug administra-
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42. Nutescu EA, Shapiro NL, Ibrahim S, et al. Warfarin and its inter-
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43. Safe Practices for Parenteral Nutrition Formulations. National
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The Hitchhiker’s Guide to Parenteral Nutrition Management