Sample Fixed Term Contract of Employment
This Sample Agreement is provided for your information only and may
not be relied upon as legal advice. This sample agreement might not
be appropriate for your requirements. The NRF accepts no liability
arising out of the use of this sample agreement. Please consult your
legal or business advisor for further information or advice.
Employer: [INSERT NAME] (hereinafter called “the Company”).
This contract will commence on the ( Insert Date ) and expire of the
( Insert Date )
You are employed as a (eg General Operative)
You will be required to be flexible in this position and must be prepared to
undertake such other work as may be assigned to you by the Company
from time to time. Such work can be outside the area of your normal duties.
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Sample Fixed Term Contract of Employment
You will report initially and directly to ( insert Title ) )or to any person who
in his/her absence, or otherwise, is designated by the Company.
On joining the company, you will be required to undergo an initial
probationary period of 6 months. This may be extended at the discretion of
the company but in any event will not exceed 11 months. Termination of
employment within the probationary period is at the discretion of the
Your normal working week will be (39) hours over 5 days, Monday - Friday.
Your normal working hours will be from 8:00am to 4:30pm (Monday -
Thursday) and 7:30am to 3:00pm on Fridays. The Company reserves the
right to change these working hours. You will receive as much notice as
reasonably possible prior to any change.
Your rest arrangements will be given in line with the Organisation of
Working Time Act 1997.
Where you do not get an opportunity to take your break(s), please inform
your manager within 7 days and an alternative break period will be
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You will be paid at a rate of ______ per (hour / week / month)
Overtime will be paid at a rate of time and a half only after (39) hours have
been worked.
You will be paid (1 week/fortnightly/monthly) in arrears, by credit transfer to
your bank account on every Friday./Fortnight/x date of the month)
Your place of work will be located at ________ The Company reserves the
right to relocate its operations and/or establish further operations and you
may be required to transfer to another department and/or place of work
The company does not operate a pension scheme, however, we will
facilitate stopping at source, any scheme to which you are a member.
Information will be supplied on an annual basis regarding pensions by an
approved Insurance Broker.
Any employee suspected of having consumed alcohol while on duty or
presenting themselves for duty under the influences of alcohol may be
suspended with pay pending an investigation. This may lead to disciplinary
action up and including dismissal.
Any employee suspected of having taken any banned substances including
(but not limited to) cannabis and/or abuse of prescribed drugs on the
premises, or presenting themselves for duty under the influence of such
substances, and may be suspended with pay pending an investigation.
This may lead to disciplinary action up to and including dismissal.
The Company will be entitled, at its expense, to require you to be examined
by an independent medical practitioner of the Company’s choice.
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The company may avail of the use of recording equipment to monitor
activities in relation to health and safety and the implementation of policies.
This recorded footage may be used in disciplinary hearings to establish the
facts of a case and may be used as material evidence in any disciplinary
hearing including dismissal.
In the event of absence from work you are required to contact the Client as
soon as possible, but no later than 1 hour prior to normal starting time on
the first day of absence. Leaving a message or speaking to a team member
is not accepted. You must speak to another Line Manager or HR if your Line
Manager is not around, emails, texts or other people calling in your behalf
will not be accepted.
A medical certificate must be submitted to the organisation by the end of the
3rd day of absence and weekly thereafter. A poor record of attendance may
lead to disciplinary action up to, and including, dismissal.
At all times the organisation reserves the right to refer an employee to the
organisation's nominated medical practitioner for an independent medical
The organisation will not make any payment for any day of illness or
unauthorised absence from work that you do not attend for work. You may
be entitled to claim social welfare benefit from the Department of Social,
Community and Family Affairs.
The Company does not operate a sick pay scheme
If you are late for work, it impedes your colleagues, your clients and your
ability to effectively carry out your responsibilities. Poor punctuality may be
considered misconduct and may result in disciplinary action, up to and
including dismissal.
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The company has set out a number of key HR policies that coma part of
your terms and conditions of employment at Appendix 1. These policies
may be reviewed and updated form time to time.
Your holiday entitlements shall be 20 days per annum plus public holidays
which must be approved in advance.
The final decision in allocating annual leave dates rests with the
Payment for annual leave will be calculated in accordance with the
provisions of the Organisation of Working Time Act, 1997. Holiday
entitlement is not cumulative and may not be carried over to the following
The company will ensure, so far as is reasonably practicable, that its
employees are not exposed to risks to their health and safety. It is your
duty while at work, to conform to the company’s health and welfare policy
and practices to ensure your own safety. You will inform your immediate
Site Manager/Supervisor of all accidents/injuries sustained by you at your
place of work immediately, which will be entered on a Company Accident
Report Form.
The wearing of any designated personal protective equipment and
adherence to all other safety regulations is a condition of employment. The
wearing of safety helmet ,safety boots, safety harness, life jackets,
goggles / eye protection etc… must be worn as required by management.
The company may deduct reasonable cost of replacement of tools and
protective clothing which have been lost, misplaced or damaged due to
carelessness from the employee’s weekly pay
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The company reserves the right to search any / all employees leaving or
entering site and to inspect any parcel, package, handbag or motor vehicle.
Any goods, not the property of an employee, must not be removed from site
without the written permission of management
The Company reserves the right to lay you off from work or reduce your
working hours where, through circumstances beyond its control, it is unable
to maintain you in employment or maintain you in full-time employment.
The retirement age in the Company is set to con inside with the age at
which people qualify for State pension and you must retire on this date or
as may be amended in legislation in the future
If you were born before 1 January 1955 the minimum qualifying State
pension age will be 66.
If you were born on or after 1 January 1955 the minimum qualifying
State pension age will be 67.
If you were born on or after 1 January 1961 the minimum qualifying
State pension age will be 68.
The Company has set the above retirement ages(s) in order to facilitate the
professional growth and development of all employees and to aid the
Company’s policy of internal succession within the Company and having
regard to the health and safety of employees in the context of the nature of
the business of the Company. It is agreed and accepted by you that you
will retire at this time.
Should the company need to introduce lay-off , short time or redundancy, it
will, place a premium on retaining employees with the necessary skills to
carry out work.
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The terms and conditions of employment of this contract may be reviewed
due to unforeseen circumstances or changes in legislation, and any
changes/alterations will be discussed with you in advance and amendments
will be set out in writing.
This is a fixed term contract employment and therefore the provisions of the
Unfair Dismissals Acts 1977-2007 will not apply to the termination of this
contract where such termination is by reason only of the expiry of this fixed
You are required to give the company ( 1 week / 1 month ) notice of your
intention to terminate your employment .
The company undertakes to give you notice in accordance with the
Minimum Notice and Terms of Employment. Acts, 1973 to 2001
Please indicate your acceptance of the terms and conditions set out above
by signing the enclosed copy of this document.
Signed: _____________________ Date: _________________
Employee Name
Signed: _____________________ Date: _____________________
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Sample Fixed Term Contract of Employment
Appendix 1
Key HR Policies
1 Dignity at Work Policy
a) Bullying is defined as;
Bullying is repeated inappropriate behaviour, direct or indirect, whether
verbal, physical or otherwise, conducted by one or more persons against
another or others, at the place of work or in the course of employment,
which could reasonably be regarded as undermining the individual’s right to
dignity at work.
b) Harassment is defined as;
Harassment is any act or conduct including spoken words, gestures or the
production, display or circulation of written words, pictures or other material
which is, unwelcome and could be reasonably regarded as offensive,
humiliating or intimidating. (Section 35(5) Employment Equality Act.
The harassment has to be based on or motivated by one or more of the
nine relevant characteristics of the employee(s) targeted;
This organisation respects the right to dignity in the workplace for all its
employees, so will deal with any issue of harassment, whether or not it is
characterised by the nine areas listed below;
These are;
Marital Status
Sexual Orientation
Family Status
Religious Belief
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Membership of the Traveller Community
c) Sexual Harassment is defined as;
Any act of physical intimacy, requests for sexual favours or any other act or
conduct including spoken words, gestures or the production, display or
circulation of written words, pictures or other material that is unwelcome
and could reasonably be regarded as sexually offensive, humiliating or
d) Reporting procedure
If an employee feels that they are being bullied/harassed or sexually
harassed, they should do the following;
1. In the first instance, raise the issue informally with the person who is
creating the problem, pointing out that their conduct is unwelcome,
offensive or interfering with work and request that it stop immediately.
Every effort must be made to ensure that the person causing the
problem is clear on how unacceptable you consider the behaviour to
2. Alternately, if you feel uncomfortable with this direct approach, raise
the issue with your Manager.
3. If the behaviour persists, take note of all instances and again bring
the behaviour to the attention of your Manager, or if this is not
appropriate to the attention of Managing Director
An employee is encouraged to try to resolve any issue of
unacceptable behaviour informally where possible.
Investigation Procedure
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If an allegation of bullying/harassment or sexual harassment is reported
to any member of management, they are committed to treating it
seriously and confidentially. They will take the following steps.
1. Listen to the complaint privately, sensitively taking note of all details
available. The person may be accompanied by a colleague, if requested.
2 An investigation will be instigated which will involve detailed
interviews of both the employee making the complaint and alleged
bully/harasser or sexual harasser. Interviews of any witnesses will
also take place to determine what happened.
3. In the interests of natural justice the person against whom the
allegations are being made against, must be made aware of the
nature of the complaint, be given every opportunity to respond to the
detailed allegations and to be accompanied by a colleague, if
4. If, following a thorough investigation, there is a reasonable belief that
that the behaviour complained of has occurred then, depending on
the seriousness of it, appropriate disciplinary action up to any
including dismissal will be taken having regard to the seriousness of
the allegations.
Disciplinary Procedures
The company expects that you will conduct your duties and behave in such
a way as to achieve the expected result and that you adhere to normal
business practices and with due regard to our various rules and
The company regularly carries out continuous assessment of employees
using scoring matrices.
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The purpose in introducing disciplinary procedures is not intended to punish
but to be remedial and is aimed at giving employees the opportunity to
improve on below standard performance or unacceptable behaviour.
It is hoped that you and your manager will usually be able to resolve any
performance or misconduct problem through discussion in the normal
course of your work. Therefore, in the first instance you may receive
counselling, or an informal oral warning.
Please note; An employee may be accompanied by a union representative
or work colleague at any stage of the disciplinary or grievance procedure if
they wish.
Disciplinary procedures will ensue in the case of any of the following;
A. Misconduct
Habitual lateness or absenteeism.
Failure to comply with legitimate instructions, policies and
Neglect of duties and responsibilities.
Unreasonable standards of appearance or inappropriate dress for
B. Gross Misconduct
The following list represents examples of offences for which an employee
may ultimately be dismissed without notice; however, it is neither
comprehensive nor complete;
Action or omission which endangers the health and safety of
other employees or members of the public.
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Absence from work without authorisation or failure to follow the
proper notification procedures.
Gross insubordination or wilful disregard to carrying out any
superior’s reasonable requests.
Breach of confidentiality or security.
Fighting, quarrelling or behaving in a way which is either
injurious to discipline or seriously affects good working relations.
Roughness, rudeness, aggression or other unacceptable
behaviour towards clients or colleagues
A criminal offence related to the employee’s work for the
A criminal offence committed outside working hours, such as to
adversely affect the company’s reputation, or the employee’s
suitability for his/her acceptability to other employees.
Drunkenness or being under the influence of illegal drugs at
Offering or receiving bribes.
Discrimination - as set out in Employment Equality Act 1998,
Harassment/Sexual Harassment
It is emphasised that any action which is a fundamental breach of contract
or is so grave that you cannot be permitted to continue your employment
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whether or not it is included in the above list, will make you liable to
summary dismissal.
C. Incapacity
Incapacity arises when the company considers that you do not have,
or not longer possess, the requisite skills, aptitude or certification for
your work.
You will be told of your shortcomings and given a chance to improve.
If the required improvement does not take place, you will be warned
in accordance with the disciplinary procedure that if you do not
improve within a reasonable period of time, you will be dismissed with
the notice to which you are entitled under your terms and conditions
of employment. Please note that continued absence may constitute
Warning Procedure for Misconduct
Before embarking on formal disciplinary action, every effort will be made to
resolve the matter by an informal approach. Where an employee’s
performance or conduct falls below an acceptable standard, management
will initiate a counselling session with that employee.
Stages of Formal Warnings
1 Verbal warning
2 First written warning
3 Final written warning
4 Dismissal
You will be given reasonable notice of disciplinary meetings and
reminded that you can have a colleague attending with you if you
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1. Verbal Warnings
In cases of unsatisfactory performance or misconduct, you will be
warned orally of the offence or shortcoming and of the possible
consequence on any repetition or failure to improve. This verbal
warning will be confirmed in writing.
A note of verbal warnings will be entered on your personnel record
and remain for 6 months. If during that period there has been no
further disciplinary action taken against you, the oral warning will,
unless otherwise stated, cease to have effect
2. First Written Warning
In the event of further misconduct or failure to improve standards of
work performance, a written warning will be given, stating that any
further misconduct or continued failure to improve performance will
render you liable to a final written warning. A First Written Warning
will be entered on your personnel record and remain for 12 months.
3. Final Written Warning
In the event of further misconduct or failure to improve standards of
work performance, a final written warning will be given, stating that
any further misconduct or continued failure to improve performance
will render you liable for suspension or dismissal
Written warnings will remain on your personnel record for 18 months.
If during that period no further disciplinary action has been taken
against you, the written warning will, unless otherwise stated, cease
to have effect.
Please note;
There may be occasions where a first or final written warning or even
termination of employment is justified immediately, so it should not be
assumed that the first stage is always the oral warning.
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Before any decision regarding disciplinary action is made, or penalty
imposed, you will be interviewed and given the opportunity to state
you case. You have the right to be accompanied at any stage of the
disciplinary procedure by a fellow employee of your choice.
Appeal Procedure
You may appeal against any disciplinary action within 5 days of
receiving notice of the action. The appeal will be heard by an external
HR mediator or other suitably qualified person as appropriate.
If on appeal the case is considered to warrant a lesser penalty or
even to be unproven, the warning/dismissal may either be reduced to
a lesser penalty or cancelled.
3 Grievance Procedures
The company understands that when people work together there are going
to be issues or misunderstandings that need to be dealt with from time to
time. If a person has a grievance the following procedure will be applied.
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You have the right to seek redress over any grievance. Should you have a
grievance you should follow the following procedure as it is described. In
most cases you should be able to resolve your grievance by discussion with
you manager. However, further stages are available to you.
Stage One
Discuss your grievance with your manager as soon as possible or
within 5 days of the grievance arising.
Stage Two
Should the grievance remain unresolved you should take it up as
soon as possible, or within 5 days, through your manager with the
next level of management.
Final Stage
Should the grievance still remain unresolved, your final recourse is
directly to the most senior level of management and that will be the
final stage in the process
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